Every tree is a unique product. No material is more suitable than solid wood for giving a truly personal design to rooms and 
furnishings for living and working. But individuality requires more than made-to-measure production and original items. Furnishings remain imperfect if 
the elements fail to reflect the character of their occupiers, their users, that is to say the people who bring them to life: modern, urban, technophile, 
rustic... Perfect handicraft is therefore merely the minimum requirement expected of the carpenter. Before any work is carried out on wood, the mind 
needs to work first. The intuitive or analytical ability to understand people, to interpret wishes, to put ideas into reality and predict developments - 
all of these things characterise the true master. One of them is Wolfgang Weber. Wolfgang Weber Holzwerkstatt Wolfgang Weber Holzwerkstatt Wolfgang Weber Holzwerkstatt